
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
PTE 43: Trivia CrossOver - Thing I Got Wrong on the Pub Trivia Experience!
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Its our BIGGEST episode EVER! 3 Couples playing trivia including the amazing Ryan and Rachel from the podcast Things I Got Wrong! Its TIGW vs Jeff and Marrissa vs Mike and Nikki in a game hosted by Chris and Leah! A FULL HOUSE! Stick around after the game for an EXCLUSIVE interview with Ryan and Rachel talking about Things I Got Wrong at Trivia the PODCAST! Want to drink with us? Might I suggest a Swamp Head Brewery Midnight Oil (https://swamphead.com/) or some great Chicago Beer like the Goose Island IPA that Ryan was drinking (https://www.gooseisland.com/). Remember - 5 Star Ratings are WONDERFUL! So are reviews! Hell, while you're there go ahead and subscribe as well. Enjoy the episode!