
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
PTE 49: Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, or Elle Fanning?
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
I'll speak clearly here... I LOVE this episode! One of my all time favorites! This week's trivia is our standard game where it's Multi time champion Steven taking on husband and wife Chris & 8 month's pregnant Leah in a game written by Mike and Nikki! Buckle up... its a WILD ride! Want to drink with us? Chris downed a bottle of Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon aged in Bourbon Barrels that was DELICIOUS! Find it here (https://joshcellars.com/) Mike is drinking an Icelandic Toasted Porter from Einstok Olgerd - and YES its delicious. If you can find it where you are, GRAB A BOTTLE. Find it here: https://einstokbeer.com
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