
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
PTE 51: The End of a Bottle... and the End of an Era!
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
What a hell of a show we have for you today! It's the end of an era... as Chris finishes his bottle of Colonel Taylor Small Batch Bouron (http://www.buffalotrace.com/) he sits down with his LOVELY wife Leah to bring a fun and engaging end to the Pop Culture Trivia Game. This is 1 on 1 as Chris takes on Leah with 15 ROUNDS of Pop Culture Trivia!
Don't forget, find the Trivia Question of the Day on Instagram and Facebook: Pub Trivia Experience. Or Twitter: @pubtriviapod.
We will have a SPECIAL Oscar's episode THIS WEEK - so keep your eyes peeled!
Enjoy the show! Liking the show? Rate us 5 Stars and Leave us a Review!
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