
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
PTE: Happy Halloween! Horror Movie Trivia with No Turdeckens!
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Its that time of year again... Chris's FAVORITE Holiday is right around the corner and to celebrate we have a SPECIAL game of Horror Movie Trivia! Raining in times from the 1920's all the way to TODAY, Jeff has crafted a horror movie game you do NOT want to miss! It' Mike and Chris taking on Jess and Jason in a winner take all horror movie showdown! Craft Beer, Scotch, and blood red wine are all around... so sit back, relax, have a drink, and PLAY SOME TRIVIA! Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com or find us on instagram at Pub Trivia Experience or on Twitter @PubTriviaPod. - Don't forget Rate, Review, and SUBSCRIBE!!!
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