
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
PTE Pop Culture Trivia Showdown: Ep 1
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
Sunday Aug 25, 2019
What an episode we have here! Not too long ago a few of us were sitting around after recordng an episode and we had the idea to do a speed round game. That conversation has morphed into the Pub Trivia Experience Pop Culture Trivia Throwdown! In this episode we describe how the game works and you'll hear the first 3 competitors take their shots at Pop Culture Trivia Immortality! Who will come out as the victor? Drink with us as this week we are drinking The Clown Shoes Mexican Sombrero - one of the BEST beers we've ever had on the show - SO DAMN GOOD! Find out more about them here (https://www.clownshoesbeer.com). Reminder: We do NOT get paid or compensated to to talk about or promote these breweries and distilleries - we just LOVE their products. Have questions or want to be a part of the show? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com of find us on Twitter: @PubTriviaPod or Instagram at Pub Trivia Experience and play along with our trivia question of the day! Enjoy the show!