
Monday Mar 30, 2020
PTE 59: Quarantine & Trivia - Back To The Basics!
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Well times are scary... so to make things less scary Mike Nikki Leah and I decided to venture back to where this podcast started: 4 friends playing a pub trivia style game, drinking some adult beverages, and ragging on each other.
Times are uncertain, so let the 4 of us make you laugh, cringe, and smile on this ROUGH day. Friendly reminder that if you're planning on ordering take out (beer or food), shop local! Hit up that local pizza place, Mexican restaurant, or craft brewery. We want these places to be here when this is all said and done.
Drinking with us? Well the bourbon cream is from Buffalo Trace Distillery (https://www.buffalotracedistillery.com). The major beer is from Yuengling Brewery (https://www.yuengling.com). The wine is from Mark West Winery (https://www.markwestwines.com).
Enjoying the show? Don't forget to write a REVIEW! Rate us 5 Stars! Subscribe!
Visit our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com
Enjoy the show!

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
PTE Bonus Episode! Avoiding Corona with some Literature Trivia!
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Hey all! I know these times are uncertain and full of anxiety. I hope Leah Nikki Mike and I can bring you a distraction from the chaos happening right now. Enjoy this bonus episode full of Literature trivia, laughs, and good times with some of my best people I know.
Are you enjoying the show? Leave us a review, rate us 5 stars, and subscribe for our weekly show!
Find our other Podcast: Recast That! anywhere you get podcasts! This is the podcast that takes people who love movies and TV shows and makes them recast some of their favorites... or movies they never thought should see the light of day again.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
PTE 58: Good Beer... Live Trivia... A Perfect Combination!
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
We are out LIVE at Anclote Brew at the Sponge Docks in BEAUTIFUL Tarpon Springs for another LIVE show! Chris is behind the mic hosting as Jeff and Marrissa play trivia against a packed house on a Friday night! What a great night of trivia, craft beer, and good friends we had!
Once this Corona crap is in the past, COME OUT to Anclote for a TRIVIA NIGHT you won't want to forget!
Find the Pub Trivia Experience on Instagram and Facebook: Pub Trivia Experience or on Twitter: @PubTriviaPod!
Find us online at www.pubtriviaexperience.com.
Don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe!

Sunday Mar 15, 2020
PTE 57: Brainwave Trivia - Where's The Nipple on an Almond?
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
Sunday Mar 15, 2020
I know you've heard me say this before... but this is one of my favorite episodes we've ever recorded. We have trivia ROYALTY on the show this week as the folks over at Brainwave Trivia have dialed in to play against Mike and Nikki in what is perhaps our most competitive game EVER! Check them out over at www.brainwavetrivia.com and take a look at their FREE quiz then give them a follow on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter! While you're there give us a follow as well!
Want to drink with us tonight? Well we do have quite the selection... Johnny Walker Red Label for the folks at Brainwave. Chris is drinking Smoothie Dreams from Captain Lawrence Brewing Company in Elmsford, NY (https://www.captainlawrencebrewing.com/smoothie-dreams/) while Mike has 2 beers. The first is from Rogue Brewing and it is the Hazelutely Choctabulous (https://www.rogue.com/products/hazelutely-choctabulous). The second is from Straight to Ale in Huntsville, Alabama and it is the Regal Beagle (https://straighttoale.com/beer-brand/regal-beagle/).
Enjoying the show? A 5 star rating would be LOVELY! Don't forget to drop us a review and subscribe as well!

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
PTE 56: Love is in the air... Except for Jeff and Marrissa!
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Okay, I've said this before BUT this episode you do NOT want to miss. We were recording LIVE at Anclote Brew at the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs. It's Chris and Marrissa vs EVERY other team out there! Jeff is hosting a special Valentines Day episode! Love is in the air as our teams drink craft beer, eat gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches, and win door prizes! Want to drink with us? The beer we're drinking the most tonight was the Hawiaan Lion from Big Top Brewing (http://www.bigtopbrewing.com/) and its AMAZING! It is a Coconut Coffee Porter and NO this is NOT an ad, its just that damn good!
Find the Pub Trivia Experience on our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com
Or Twitter: @pubtriviapod
Facebook and Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience!
Don't forget to Rate, Review, and Subscribe! Those 5 star ratings REALLY help us!
Enjoy the show!

Sunday Mar 01, 2020
PTE 55: Harry Potter Movie Trivia!
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
Sunday Mar 01, 2020
We've got 4 new voices for you tonight! Catch up with the crew as we bring in one of our Anclote Live Show two-time winning teams, Phoenix Squadron, to join us tonight for one of their favorite topics. Harry Potter! We've also got a couple new friends Celine and Chris to round out the teams. Enjoy this one as there is a lot of tough ones that our HP experts handle with a breeze!
Want to drink with us? Tonight we are running the full bar of selections. We've got a few bourbons on hand as we drink some Buffalo Trace & E.H. Taylor. We've also got some Smithwick's(https://untappd.com/b/guinness-smithwick-s/13388) which make a fantastic irish red ale.
Enjoying the show? Leave us a REVIEW and give us a 5 star rate! Don't forget to subscribe so you will get ALL of our newest content!
Remember, the 2nd and 4th Friday night of the month we are LIVE out at Anclote Brew at the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs - COME OUT AND PLAY TRIVIA WITH US! Win bragging rights by beating us!

Sunday Feb 23, 2020
PTE 54: Jeff Hosts While We Drink Beer & Play Trivia!
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
Sunday Feb 23, 2020
#DrinkAndPlayTrivia has NEVER been more relevant here at the Pub Trivia Experience. We are back out at our favorite bar Anclote Brew on the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs and we have a HELL of a show for you. Jeff is hosting his first LIVE show! So that leaves Marrissa and Chris taking on 6 other teams for trivia superiority!
Want to drink with us? We have some GREAT beers on tap for you including A Bourbon Barrel Stout from 3 Daighters Brewing in St. Petersburg, Fl (https://3dbrewing.com) and a Chocolate Covered Cherry Imperial Stout from Dunedin Brewery (https://dunedinbrewery.com)
Enjoying the show? Leave us a REVIEW and give us a 5 star rate! Don't forget to subscribe so you will get ALL of our newest content!
Remember, the 2nd and 4th Friday night of the month we are LIVE out at Anclote Brew at the Sponge Docks in Tarpon Springs - COME OUT AND PLAY TRIVIA WITH US! Win bragging rights by beating us!

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
PTE Bonus: Natty Light with some Ice...Ice Baby!
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Making Oscar bets with friends PAYS OFF! Last week Chris beat Mike (and Leah, Nikki, and Steven) is Oscar's predictions! While we wait for Steven to pay up on losing the overall bet, Chris had a side bet with Mike where the loser had to chug a 20 ounce can of Natural Lite! Mike lost... so Mike Chugs! After that stay tuned as Mike's college band "Unexpectedly Sober" performs their version of Ice Ice Baby that we talked about on this week's show! You do NOT want to miss this!
Find Natural Lite LITERALLY everywhere. It's not as bad as Mike makes it seem.

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
PTE 53: Justify My Love & Take a Bow - 90's Music Trivia!
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
What a show we have for you this week. Your favorite music snob Mike is taking on 90's music trivia and the Pub Trivia Experience will NEVER be the same!
Drinking with us? Tonight we have Suddenly Comfy Apple Pie Beer from Dog Fish Head Brewery (https://www.dogfish.com/brewery/beer) After that we moved over to Honey Nut Breakfast Stout from Catawba Brewing (https://catawbabrewing.com).
Enjoy the Pub Trivia Experience Podcast? Find us on Instagram and Facebook: Pub Trivia Experience (Look for our Logo!) or on Instagram @pubtriviapod. Find us online at www.pubtriviaexperience.com as well!
Want to write and host a show? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com
Help the show by writing a REVEIW, leaving us a 5 Star Rating, and SUBSCRIBING!
Enjoy the show!

Sunday Feb 09, 2020
PTE 52: A Lovely Night for Oscar's Trivia... Who Will Win?
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
It's a lovely night for Oscar's Trivia! Mike and Nikki are hosting a special night of Academy Award Trivia where its Chris vs Leah vs Steven. Wondering who wore it best? It's definitely Leah... Best Bourbon goes to Bulleit Bourbon - the BEST mixing bourbon on the market in Chris' opinion. Mike... is neck deep in Aberlour Scotch while he's running the 45 second run off music. Honestly, this show is A LOT of fun. We hope you enjoy it!
Find the Pub Trivia Experience Podcast on Twitter: @pubtriviapod, on Facebook and Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience or on the internet www.pubtriviaexperience.com
Enjoying the show? Rate us 5 STARS! Leave us a REVIEW! Subscribe! We are looking for GUEST HOSTS! Email pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com and we will get you on the calendar.
Enjoy the show!