
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
PTE 52: A Lovely Night for Oscar's Trivia... Who Will Win?
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
It's a lovely night for Oscar's Trivia! Mike and Nikki are hosting a special night of Academy Award Trivia where its Chris vs Leah vs Steven. Wondering who wore it best? It's definitely Leah... Best Bourbon goes to Bulleit Bourbon - the BEST mixing bourbon on the market in Chris' opinion. Mike... is neck deep in Aberlour Scotch while he's running the 45 second run off music. Honestly, this show is A LOT of fun. We hope you enjoy it!
Find the Pub Trivia Experience Podcast on Twitter: @pubtriviapod, on Facebook and Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience or on the internet www.pubtriviaexperience.com
Enjoying the show? Rate us 5 STARS! Leave us a REVIEW! Subscribe! We are looking for GUEST HOSTS! Email pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com and we will get you on the calendar.
Enjoy the show!

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
PTE Bonus Episode: Oscar Predictions with some Crazy Wagers!
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Whoa! A mid-week bonus episode? YES!!!! For those that don't know, Nikki has been hosting Oscar parties each and every year and included in that is an Oscar's pool. In our personal pool Nikki and Chris are tied at 2 wins a piece while Leah is a 1 time winner and returning champion. Ask Mike Mott how many wins he has! It's 0... We've also invited Steven to the party for the first time. the 5 of us are making our Oscar Picks! Its a bourbon and scotch kinda night as Chris is drinking Bulleit Bourbon while Mike is topping off a glass of Macallan Scotch. Find the final versions of our Oscar Sheets on Facebook or Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience or on Twitter @pubtriviapod. Visit our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com to learn more about our show!
Liking the show? Rate us 5 Stars, Give us a review, and SUBSCRIBE!

Sunday Feb 02, 2020
PTE 51: The End of a Bottle... and the End of an Era!
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
What a hell of a show we have for you today! It's the end of an era... as Chris finishes his bottle of Colonel Taylor Small Batch Bouron (http://www.buffalotrace.com/) he sits down with his LOVELY wife Leah to bring a fun and engaging end to the Pop Culture Trivia Game. This is 1 on 1 as Chris takes on Leah with 15 ROUNDS of Pop Culture Trivia!
Don't forget, find the Trivia Question of the Day on Instagram and Facebook: Pub Trivia Experience. Or Twitter: @pubtriviapod.
We will have a SPECIAL Oscar's episode THIS WEEK - so keep your eyes peeled!
Enjoy the show! Liking the show? Rate us 5 Stars and Leave us a Review!

Sunday Jan 26, 2020
PTE 50: 2 Episodes in 1!!!
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Holy crap we made it to 50 episodes!!! For this week, we actually have 2 GREAT episodes for you! First, a complete the list style game pitting Mario against Chris... 2nd we have a 1 on 1 on 1 on 1 matchup pitting married people against each other! Its Jeff vs Marrissa vs Leah vs Chris in a winner take all Trivial Pursuit BATTLE! This week we're drinking some delicious bourbon from Bulleit Bourbon Company in Louisville, Kentucky! Bulleit has one of the highest Rye contents from any major bourbon distiller and its DELICIOUS! Find them here: https://www.bulleit.com/
Find the Pub Trivia Experience on Facebook (Pub Trivia Experience), Instagram (Pub Trivia Experience) or Twitter (@pubtriviapod)! Visit our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com or more information about our show and where you can catch us LIVE! Contact us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com if you want to be a part of the show or have any questions. Cheers!

Sunday Jan 19, 2020
PTE 49: Peyton Manning, Eli Manning, or Elle Fanning?
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
I'll speak clearly here... I LOVE this episode! One of my all time favorites! This week's trivia is our standard game where it's Multi time champion Steven taking on husband and wife Chris & 8 month's pregnant Leah in a game written by Mike and Nikki! Buckle up... its a WILD ride! Want to drink with us? Chris downed a bottle of Josh Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon aged in Bourbon Barrels that was DELICIOUS! Find it here (https://joshcellars.com/) Mike is drinking an Icelandic Toasted Porter from Einstok Olgerd - and YES its delicious. If you can find it where you are, GRAB A BOTTLE. Find it here: https://einstokbeer.com
Find the Pub Trivia Experience on Instagram and Facebook @PubTriviaExperience or on Twitter @pubtriviapod. Visit our website at www.pubtriviaexperience.com and don't forget to RATE, REVIEW, and SUSCRIBE to get all the latest content! Enjoy the show!

Sunday Jan 12, 2020
PTE 48: Complete The (Wine) List
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
What a show we have for you this week! Mike vs Nikki vs Chris with Leah hosting our version of "complete the list" - Another Trivia Podcast that we love. Knowing your hosts... this one will have more alcohol and banter though! It's a 10 round trivia game featuring bourbon from Buffalo Trace Distillery (http://www.buffalotrace.com) and beer from Straight To Ale (https://straighttoale.com) It's their Bourbon Barrel Aged Russian Imperial Stout brewed right down in Alabama. I cannot recommend them enough - really damn good beer! Enjoying the show? a Review and 5 Star Rating would be appreciated!

Monday Jan 06, 2020
Monday Jan 06, 2020
Wow! 2019 flew by! Join Chris, Leah, Jeff, and Marrissa as we play some 2019 trivia along with a PACKED HOUSE at Anclote Brew in Tarpon Springs. Good beer, Good Trivia, and Good Times all around... but can Team Pub Trivia Experience hold their own against some TOUGH challengers and end the year with a win? Find out here!
Don't forget: Instagram and Facebook: Pubtriviaexperience or Twitter: @pubtriviapod. Visit our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com.
Rate, Review, and Subscribe to the show to get the LATEST episodes at your fingertips EVERY WEEK!

Sunday Dec 29, 2019
PTE 46: Bourbon, Pop Culture Trivia, and Facebook LIVE!
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
This show is a MILESTONE for the Pub Trivia Experience! Yes, there may be some sound issues, but this is the FIRST live show we've EVER DONE! It's a 4 way competition! Nikki vs Jeff vs Cody vs Maggie! The only thing more impressive than the talent we have playing trivia is the bourbon we drink and talk about INCLUDING Pappy, Colonel Taylor, and Evan Williams! Find us on Instagram and Facebook for more LIVE SHOW information by searching Pub Trivia Experience! Twitter has us @pubtriviapod or find our website www.pubtriviaexperience.com! Enjoy the show!

Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Movie Recap: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker - Our Thoughts...
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
Wednesday Dec 25, 2019
This special bonus episode was recorded LIVE on our Facebook page and is NOW available for ALL OUR FANS too appreciate!
NOTE: This bonus is NOT a trivia episode. Find one of our regular episodes for your weekly trivia fix!
Now, YES we saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker... and YES we have thoughts! Join Chris, Mike, Jeff, Marrissa, and newcomer Sarah ALL give their opinions on the movie while we enjoy some GREAT beer from Alabama, Florida, and Nevada as well as some AMAZING Scotch. Find us on Facebook & Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience or on Twitter @Pubtriviapod. As always, email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com! See you SUNDAY with more trivia!

Sunday Dec 22, 2019
PTE 45: Holiday Thinking and Beer Drinking!
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
We're back with a special HOLIDAY episode recorded live at Anclote Brew on the Sponge Docks in BEAUTIFUL Tarpon Springs. We have a BUNCH of fun holiday trivia, your usual dose of wit and sarcasm, along with some beer and a crowd reaction you have to hear to believe. Chris is hosting and dropping HOT TAKES on holiday movies that you have to hear to believe! Don't forget to rate us 5 stars! Leave us a Review! As always, SUBSCRIBE to the Pub Trivia Experience so you get the newest episodes AS SOON as they're released. Want to be a part of the show? Email us at PubTriviaExperience@gmail.com.