
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
PTE: Back To School Trivia Edition
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
As kids and adults across the US head back to school, its only right that our resident school expert Leah puts together a trivia game that puts these millennials back in HIGH SCHOOL! Nikki and Mike take on the team of Chris and Jeff as we tackle subjects such as: Chemistry, Biology, Musical Theater, Spanish, US History, World Geography, and English Literature! Thank god for the bottle of Eagle Rare Kentucky Bourbon that Chris and Jeff are drinking (https://www.buffalotracedistillery.com/brands/eagle-rare). Mike is drinking Old Rasputin Russian Imperial Stout from North Coast Brewing (https://northcoastbrewing.com). Like us? Find on Instagram: Pub Trivia Experience, Twitter: @pubtriviapod or email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com

Sunday Aug 11, 2019
PTE: Whiskey While you Work!
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
Sunday Aug 11, 2019
We are back with our regular game this week! We have the STILL unbeaten Steve taking on the formidable team of Jeff and Marrissa. Chris is hosting this action packed and hilarious hour(ish?) of trivia. Drinking with us? We suggest Bulleit Bourbon (https://www.bulleit.com) for Jeff and Marrissa and Mississippi Mud Black and Tan for Chris (https://www.saranac.com) which isn't even from MISSISSIPPI! I feel deceived... Enjoy the show this week! Want to get in touch with us? pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com. Remember - Rate, Review, Subscribe!!!

Sunday Aug 04, 2019
PTE At The Movies: Kevin Smith's Clerks!
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
Sunday Aug 04, 2019
We've been promising for weeks, now we start our journey into... New Jersey? This week we watched the acclaimed indie comedy Clerks from indie film legend, and amazing podcaster Kevin Smith. Our unique brand of movie trivia will TEST your knowledge of Clerks and Kevin Smith. As opposed to paying Jay and Silent Bob their 15 bucks, we spent that money on beer from Nashville Brewing - Nasville Lager (https://nashvillebrewing.com) and from Motorworks Brewing in Bradenton, Fl - Midnight Espresso Coffee Porter (https://motorworksbrewing.com). In this episode we have Jessica and Chris taking on Mike and Nikki w/ Steve hosting! Join us after trivia to get our opinions on the movie along with other topics happening in pop culture. Have suggestions? Want to submit trivia questions? Want to join the show and play trivia? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com!

Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Bonus Episode: Spider-Man Far From Home & MCU SDCC
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
Thursday Aug 01, 2019
We are back with a MID WEEK TREAT! Fresh off the release of Marvel/Sony's new Spider-Man movie "Far From Home", Marvel went to San Diego and absolutely TOOK OVER SDCC. Were we there? No... we can't afford that. But we are HERE with our thoughts. Mike and Chris talk through the newest MCU film Spide-man Far From Home and all the Phase 4 info that they dropped at SDCC! No trivia - straight NERD TALK. Enjoy the show!

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
PTE 21: Where Everything's Made Up and the Points do Matter
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
What to do in Florida during an epic thunderstorm? Trivia... Trivia EVERYWHERE! It's Jeff and Chris taking on Mike and Marrissa hosting! Chris is going for 2 wins in a row while Jeff is looking for his first win. Can this epic team take down Big Bad Mike? Listen in and find out! Drink with us as well. This week we have beer from Boerne Brewing in Boerne, Tx - Willie's ESB (www.boernebrewery.com), Hop Life Brewing in Port St. Lucie, Florida - Reel Lite (www.hoplife.com) and Green Bench Brewing (www.greenbenchbrewing.com) in St. Petersburg, Fl. As usual, Jeff is drinking the Port Finished Bourbon from St. Augustine, Fl (www.staugustinedistillery.com). Want to contact us? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com

Sunday Jul 21, 2019
PTE 20: I Left My Heart in San Fernando... Jeff's Trivia Revenge!
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Sunday Jul 21, 2019
Whoa, episode 20 is HILARIOUS! We have a couple on couple show down as Chris and Leah take on Jeff and Marissa. The OTHER Jeff is in town from Chicago to host - so you KNOW you're in for some good trivia and BIG LAUGHS! Key Words: Bleach, San Fernando, Shawn Mendes, and ASMR! Drinking along with us? Pick up Locals Only Lager from Hollywood Brewing (http://hollywood.beer) or The Gingy Imperial Porter from Tampa Bay Brewing Company (https://www.tbbc.beer/home). Bourbon comes from the St Augustine Distillery (http://www.staugustinedistillery.com). Remember, liking the show? Subscribe, Rate, and REVIEW on iTunes always helps! Enjoy the show!

Thursday Jul 18, 2019
PTE Bonus Episode: Freshstart for Kids
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Thursday Jul 18, 2019
Hey everyone, here is the bonus episode we talked about last week! If you were wondering why we took a week long hiatus from the show, then listen here. No trivia or drinking this week. Instead Jeff and I are recapping where we were during that "week off" and why it was important. Life has those moments where you can feel like you're exactly where you need to be - and this week was one of those weeks. Take a listen and enjoy! New regular episode coming this weekend! Want to know more about Freshstart for Kids? Visit them here: http://www.freshstartforkids.org

Sunday Jul 14, 2019
PTE 19: PTE at the Movies! A Quiet Place... to Drink and Play Trivia!
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Sunday Jul 14, 2019
Pub Trivia Experience goes to the movies! This week we try out a new "movie watching" format after we all watch the 2018 film A Quiet Place. If you haven't seen the movie, catch it on Hulu then jump on in and play some trivia with us! We have Leah and newcomer Jessica taking on returning champion, and all around okay guy Steven! Want to drink with us? This week we are drinking Locals Only Lager from Hollywood Brewing (http://hollywood.beer). Also - that may be the most BAD ASS URL I've ever typed. We also found our way back to 81 Bay Brewing from Tampa, Florida for another round with their amazing Lightning Lager (http://81baybrewco.com). Honestly, with how HOT Florida has been the last couple of months, Lager's are the WAY TO GO after a long day. Enjoying the show? Rate and Review us on iTunes! Want to contact us? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com or find us on Twitter @pubtriviapod or Instagram @PubTriviaExperience. Enjoy this week's episode!

Sunday Jun 23, 2019
PTE 18: The Couple That Nerds Together
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
Sunday Jun 23, 2019
This week's show is a real BLAST FROM THE PAST. We're taking you back to February 2018! Originally we were going to bring you our NEW movie trivia format that would allow you all to play at home but unfortunately, Leah got sick and couldn't make the recording. We are rescheduling that recording which means this week, you're getting a look back to Chris and Leah's FIRST ever podcast recording. The podcast was called "The Couple That Nerds Together" and here we take a look at the best movies streaming on Netflix, talk about VHS Tapes at McDonalds, and give a huge shout out to www.collider.com - the BEST place on the internet to get movie news and updates! Want to learn more about McDonald's venture into the VHS landscape, check out this amazing New York Times article from 1993 (https://www.nytimes.com/1993/05/31/business/the-media-business-mcdonald-s-joins-the-ranks-of-the-videocassette-giants.html). While editing and recording the intro and outro I was drinking the 81 Bay Brewing Company Lightning Lager - and DAMN its good (http://81baybrewco.com). I continue to be impressed with their beer! Enjoying the show? Tell your friends, give us a 5 star rate, or leave us a review! Any feedback? Email pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com! Enjoy your week!

Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Sunday Jun 16, 2019
Happy birthday to one of our amazing hosts LEAH!!! She turned 35 and we had a special night of trivia just to celebrate all of her favorite things! We have a PACKED house tonight! Leah is joined by her husband Chris, the Alabama living Mike and Nikki, our HP Expert Marissa, her MCU loving husband JEFF, and Leah's favorite (and least favorite) sister-in-law Amy! This week we are drinking from a local brewery in Tampa called 81 Bay (http://81baybrewco.com). This is my first time drinking there but I cannot recommend their Reel Slo Irish Red or their Coffee Porter enough. For people like me who don't do IPA's, these brews are TASTY and that Red hits the spot during these Florida Summer Months. To celebrate national bourbon day we were drinking some port finished bourbon from St. Augustine Distillery (http://staugustinedistillery.com) and my GOD is it delicious! From the Alabama area we are back to the Stout at the Devil from Straight to Ale Brewery in Huntsville, AL (https://straighttoale.com). It's Amy and Marissa vs Mike and Nikki in a gave hosted by Leah and Jeff sits in the "ask a friend" chair. Find us on Instagram or Twitter by searching Pub Trivia Experience or email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com! Enjoy the show!