
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
Sunday Jun 09, 2019
It feels like its been a LONG TIME COMING but here we are... the FINAL chapter of the Harry Potter Saga is over and we are here to discuss it and then run through some insane trivia from the movie! Join Leah, Chris, Jeff, and Marissa as we discuss Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 and our own journeys with Harry Potter and how it has intersected with our lives. Want to drink with us? I cannot recommend Knobb Creek Straight Rye Whiskey enough! Check it out here (https://www.knobcreek.com/our-products/straight-rye-whiskey) and buy it pretty much anywhere locally. Find us on twitter @pubtriviapod or email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com. Enjoy the show and don't forget to rate us and leave us a review!

Sunday Jun 02, 2019
PTE 15: Check Out the Big Brain on Brad!
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Sunday Jun 02, 2019
Check out the big brain on Brad! We have a hell of a show for you this week! It's 1:1 Steve vs Mike as our last 2 champions battle to see who can come out on top! Want to drink with us? Check out the Digital Vortex Dodecahedron at Cooked Thump Brewery in Safety Harbor, Florida (http://crookedthumbbrew.com) or the Coffee Oatmeal Stout at Good People Brewing Company in Birmingham, Alabama (http://goodpeoplebrewing.com). Interact with us on Twitter @pubtriviapod or email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com. Enjoying the show? Rate or review us wherever you listen!

Sunday May 26, 2019
PTE 14: America's 2 Pastimes - Baseball and Drinking
Sunday May 26, 2019
Sunday May 26, 2019
America's favorite pastime has captured the imaginations and passions of millions of people across the world. Dan, Mike, and Chris were 3 American kids who grew up on a baseball diamond loving the game... now they get to compete in their own game! Dan and Chris vs Mike in a 100% BASEBALL episode! Leah is hosting this episode that is 9 straight innings of quality baseball trivia. Want to drink with us? This episode we are drinking brews from Tampa Bay Brewing Company - Gingy Imperial Porter (https://www.tbbc.beer/home) is FANTASTIC as is the food at their restaurants in Tampa. The Alabama beer scene is stepping up as well as we drink the Vapor Trail Cream Ale from Rocket Republic Brewing (https://www.rocketrepublicbrewing.com) and the Rebellion Red Lager from Yellowhammer Brewing (https://www.yellowhammerbrewery.com)

Sunday May 19, 2019
PTE 13: Trivia & Drinking w/ Pretty Little Gossip Girls
Sunday May 19, 2019
Sunday May 19, 2019
What a show we have for you this week! Join Chris, Leah, Mike, Marissa, and new comers Steven, and fellow podcaster Chad from Indykast! Want more Indykast? Find them here at https://soundcloud.com/wnrn. Tonight we have a special game written and hosted by Chris featuring a 2:2 match up with Leah being each team's Phone a Friend. Want to drink with us? Hope your liver is ready for these brews and bourbons! Beer wise we are drinking: Avondale Brewing in Birmingham, AL- Vanillaphant (https://avondalebrewing.com/brews/all/vanillaphant-porter), Boulevard Brewing Company in Kansas City, MO - BouLou (https://www.boulevard.com), Good People Brewing in Birmingham, AL - Coffee Oatmeal Stoup (http://goodpeoplebrewing.com/our-beer/coffee-oatmeal-stout). Want to sip some Bourbon with us? Check out Four Roses Single Barrell from Lawrenceburg, KY (https://fourrosesbourbon.com) or Bulleit Bourbon from Louisville, KY (https://www.bulleit.com/). Fan of the show? SHOW US SOME LOVE by leaving us a 5 star rating and a review! Want to contribute to the show? email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com and let us know!

Saturday May 11, 2019
PTE 12: Marvel Cinematic Universe - Avengers Endgame and MCU Trivia
Saturday May 11, 2019
Saturday May 11, 2019
Whoa!!! The pop culture event of the year has happened and as Avengers: Endgame breaks records world wide, Chris Mike Marissa Jeff and Leah get together to talk all things Avengers: Endgame! 4/5 LOVED this movie... one says it's "okay...". Listen on as we spoil the HELL out of Avengers: Endgame then play some MCU trivia ahead of our upcoming full MCU game! Drink along with us as Mike is exploring Huntsville, Alabama and has found a brewery called Straight to Ale. He's drinking their Brother Joseph's Belgian Dubbel (http://straighttoale.com/beers/brother-josephs/), Chris is staying local and trying another GREAT beer from Brew Hub called Diver Down (http://brewhub.com/whats-on-tap/), while Jeff is sipping strong this week with Colonel Taylor's Small Batch Bourbon from Buffalo Trace (https://www.buffalotracedistillery.com/brands/eh-taylor). Enjoy the show! Feedback or want to call in to the show? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com and we will set it up! Don't forget - rate and review us on iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts from!

Sunday Apr 28, 2019
PTE: Ep 11: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Pt 1: Endgame!
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Sunday Apr 28, 2019
Whoa... who can talk Harry Potter the dat after Avengers: Endgame came out? WE CAN!! What a great episode we have for you this week! No Endgame spoilers here (though we do talk about it a little), just some good old fashioned Harry Potter talk, trivia, and drinking. Want to drink with us? Check out the St. Augustine Distillery next time you're in Florida - It really is as good as we say it is. Visit them here http://staugustinedistillery.com. Thoughts, comments, suggestions? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com. Enjoy the show!

Saturday Apr 20, 2019
PTE: Ep 10: Harry Potter & The Half Blood and Clearly Drunk Prince
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Saturday Apr 20, 2019
Wow! What a show we have for you this week! After weeks of promises, the closest thing we have to a Harry Potter expert is FINALLY in the house! Marissa joins Leah and Chris for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince! This week we took a break from beer and rum and dove into a potions class to make a delicious concoction called Liquid Luck AKA Felx Felicis! Buzzfeed put together 8 great Harry Potter drinks that you can find here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/rachelysanders/harry-potter-and-the-night-he-wont-remember
We want to hear from you! Email us at PubTriviaExperience@gmail.com and ENJOY THE SHOW!

Sunday Apr 14, 2019
PTE: Ep 9: Harry Potter & The Order of the Phoenix...
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Sunday Apr 14, 2019
Hey everyone and WELCOME BACK! This week Leah and Chris return to the magical world of Harry Potter. As Harry and his friends return to Hogwarts for another year of potions, love, and classes, Leah and Chris return for more trivia and movie talk! Feedback? Email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com
We hope you enjoy the show!

Saturday Apr 06, 2019
PTE: Ep 8: A Break from Harry Potter - Beer and Movie Trivia
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Saturday Apr 06, 2019
Well the time has come to wander back to the bar. After watching the first 4 of the Harry Potter movies, we have decided to take Elizabeth Schuyler's advice and Take a Break! We will be back with MORE Harry Potter next week, but this week I take the show on the road... to Mike's house! While the sound quality may not be what you're used to, this week Mike and I get back to basics! We drink some beers, tell some stories, and play some movie trivia! Our beers this week are the insanely tasteful "Matte Black Lager with Coffee" from Brew Hub in Lakeland, Florida (http://brewhub.com) and "Brown Cow Brown Ale" from Carson's Brewery in Evansville, Indiana (https://www.carsonsbrewery.com). If there was a beer to get me to go leave Florida and go to Indiana in March, its this Brown Cow Ale! Very impressive! As always, if you're enjoying the show - SUBSCRIBE, RATE, and WRITE A REVIEW wherever you listen to podcasts at. Questions or feedback? email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com Enjoy the show!

Sunday Mar 24, 2019
PTE: Ep 7: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Azkaban
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
Sunday Mar 24, 2019
We're back! After a brief hiatus, we've returned to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! Join hosts Leah and Chris as they discuss The Prisoner of Azkaban and The Goblet of Fire! No drinks this week, but feel free to click the next link for 12 Harry Potter inspired mixed drinks that we are working our way through! https://www.brit.co/harry-potter-cocktailsMight I suggest #4 - The Goblet of Fire! Or drink like a Beauxbaton's horse and try some single malt whiskey (scotch). Mike and my personal favorite is Laphroaig - check it out here: https://www.laphroaig.com/
Don't forget - email us at pubtriviaexperience@gmail.com